Of to see the Wizards

Most of you must have popped into an Apple shop at some point; It looks like a place of magic as the wizards roam around looking pleased to help the mere mortals that wonder in. These wizards being trained to explore the American customer service. Us mere Hobbits and the Gandolf’s walk around looking for…

The World thru Jagged Eyes

The morning breaks in as the night before slowly fades to nothing but a memory; Green line on the Tv while sitting anxiously tapping away on the phone to contact Samsung to proclaim a fault on the TV unhappy face and need to punch someone. The need to light a cigarette but must wait till…

Those wretched Loop holes

The film Looper has so much hype before it’s release and as we all know major hype can kill a film just like that… I don’t know the film failed in some way; though it did have a good take on time travel as the film didn’t try and explain the theory of time travel.…

The troubles Of Being Human

Don’t let the title confuse you into thinking this is a philosophical life contemplating existential blog. Nope in fact I’m talking about the BBC drama Being Human sunday the 5th series started. My first glimpse wasn’t one of wow and amazement i had brought series 1+2 dvd i watched the pilot episode and thought nope…

Meltdowns and Breakdowns

If you saw me now you will probably notice the slight angst in my eyes; the unnerving rattle in my body. An inability to sit still or concentrate. My life seems to be in a state of evolution; From Pupa to Chrysalis or the other way round who knows? my perception of life continually shifting depending…